Saturday, February 27, 2010

730 days remaining...

I signed on to update my list, and noticed that my completion date is exactly two years away. That means 730 remaining days.

I think I'm doing pretty well so far, although it is looking like some of these goals may not be achieved. I'm going to keep working towards them anyway, though! Looking at the list reminds me of some things I need to focus on, so I'm going to keep on going from there.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

My 101 Things List

The Mission:Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Start Date: June 1, 2009

End Date: February 27, 2012

In Progress Items
Completed Items

1. Send encouraging notes (0/5)
2. Send mail to Maddie every month for a year (0/12)
3. Have “Jarrod Days” (0/12)
4. Start/join a book club
5. Take pictures of Jarrod and I together (1/20)
6. Initiate “Girls Night” (3/5)
7. Hang out with other couples (3/5)
8. Send Christmas cards

9. No soft drinks for one month
10. Don’t eat out for an entire month
11. Try new recipes (5/20)
12. Bake things to share (2/5)
13. Try 10 new restaurants (1/5)
14. Grow herbs
15. Cook whatever Jarrod requests (0/5)
16. Bake bread
17. Surprise Jarrod with a homemade cake/pie
18. Try three new types of food (1/3)

Octopus at Becco (6/15/09)
19. Go “Around the World” at Chimes
20. Make a margarita from scratch
21. Make root beer

22. See more plays/musicals (5/10)

Mamma Mia (6/14/09)
Chicago (6/14/09)
The Marvelous Wonderette's (6/15/09)
Wicked (6/16/09)
Jersey Boys (8/3/09)
23. Enjoy more concerts (3/5)

Tinted Windows (6/17/09)
Journey (October 09)
Hanson (November 09)
24. Dress up for Halloween
25. Throw a party (Saints Party)
26. Host a game night
27. Buy and drink and bottle of wine that costs more than $40
28. See Hanson in concert

29. Dress up and go on a date
30. Go to a festival
31. Go to a NASCAR race with Jarrod

32. Give gifts just because (0/5)
33. Give gifts that are environmentally friendly (2/5)
34. Leave a 50% tip
35. Donate to an animal charity
36. Adopt a child for Christmas (2 kids - '09)
37. Donate to a research foundation
38. Donate in honor of someone

39. Buy a plant for the house
40. Buy a plant for work

41. Grow flowers from seeds
42. Shop at the local farmers market
43. Start composting
44. Buy three articles of clothing made from organic cotton (1/3)
45. Give reusable shopping bags to three people (3/3)

46. Transition to all energy efficient light bulbs

47. Eat vegetarian for one week
48. Ride my bike every day for 30 days
49. Go to the dentist for check-ups (0/5)
50. Get eyes checked
51. Take vitamins everyday for a month (0/30)
52. Ride the Hooper Road bike trail

53. Have a fence put up in the backyard
54. Remodel the bathroom
55. Landscape the yard
56. Get new floors

57. Take a dance class
58. Learn to knit or crochet
59. Take the GRE
60. Apply to grad school
61. Take a cooking class

62. Put $300 into savings from three paychecks (3/3)
63. Put $600 into savings from five paychecks (1/5)
64. Put half of seven paychecks into savings (2/7)
65. Put $20 into savings for each completed item (24/101)

66. Save first year’s tuition for grad school
67. Get my jewelry insured
68. Read books about finance/money planning (0/3)
69. Don’t buy any books for one month
70. Track spending for one month

71. Start a blog for this list
72. Fold/put away laundry while it’s still warm from the dryer (1/15)
73. Keep track of books read on spreadsheet (Edit: use - spreadsheet lost in computer crash)
74. Organize book collection
75. Keep a calendar
76. Keep kitchen/living room clutter free for a month
77. Clean out my closet
78. Find a place to store things not used regularly

79. Finish Stephanie Plum Series
80. Finish Outlander Series
81. Go to a book signing
82. Finish the Summer Book Challenge
83. Read 100 books in a year
84. Read ten new authors (4/10)

85. Visit NYC
86. Visit DC
87. Visit Vegas
88. Visit Napa
89. Be a tourist in my own state (0/5)
90. Take a weekend trip with Jarrod
91. Go on a girls getaway
92. Visit five museums (2/5)

Tenement Museum (6/16/09)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (6/17/09)
93. Take a road trip
94. Visit a National Park
95. Stay at a bed & breakfast

96. Lay out a flexible library curriculum for 2nd Grade
97. Lay out a flexible library curriculum for 3rd Grade
98. Develop an incentive program for AR
99. Spend a week consciously trying to be helpful to others
100. Meet the requirements for a Basic library
101. Go to a national conference (AR Symposium - Nov. 09)